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A Pregnancy Winter Survival Guide

1 6145 分享 来源:必克英语 2011-01-05

      How can you and your baby-to-be (即将出生的孩子)get through the winter season both healthy and happily? Learn to brave(勇敢地面对) the winter months with the following helpful tips.

       As if the challenges of pregnancy weren't daunting(使人气馁的,使人畏缩的) enough—eating well, getting enough rest, and taking extra special care of yourself—just carrying a baby during the winter months can be a job all unto itself(自己的事). Activities you may have engaged in without much hesitation before you were expecting, like shoveling snow(铲雪) or going sledding(乘雪橇), now are you questioning their safety (and necessity!).

      Donning(穿戴) a cozy(舒适的,保暖的), warm sweater is a treat(幸事) on a cold winter's day, but for many pregnant women, the extra layers(层,这里指衣服的一件) may not be necessary. "After 28 weeks, women may find that they feel warmer than they typically are when not pregnant, so they may not want a heavy wool sweater," says Dr. Angle.

      Dr. Green seconds(赞成) this notion(观点和看法). "For most women late in pregnancy, the core body temperature (体温)goes up as much as a whole degree, so they may find that they do not need as much clothing as they usually do." He recommends wearing layers of breathable(透气的,吸湿排汗的) materials, so clothing can be shed(使脱下 )easily if desired. Dr. Valfer also sees the value in dressing in layers to adjust to(适应) the changing temperatures, as well as the body's changes to the same temperature.

       As far as accessories (附属品,配件)are concerned, wearing a hat is essential to sustaine body heat when outdoors. And for putting one's best foot forward, a comfortable shoe with a low heel and good traction((防止在路面滑动等的)附着摩擦力 )to prevent possible falling, especially on icy surfaces, is key.