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The introduction of Guangzhou--the city of holding 2010 Asian games.

1 6941 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-08-25

The introduction of Guangzhou--the city of holding 2010 Asian games.

Guangzhou China, capital of Guangdong Province, is one of China's main industrial centers(主要的工业中心), covering an area of 7,434 square kilometers, and with a population of over10 million.

Guangzhou stands at the confluence [ˈkɔnflu:əns](汇流) of the East River, West River and North River, with its land sloping from north-east to south-west, and an alluvial [əˈlu:vi:əl](冲积的) plain [plein](平原) in the south and south-west parts. It adjoins(与…毗连) the South China Sea, and is crisscross [ˈkrɪsˌkrɔ:s, -ˌkrɔs](十字形) with rivers and streams. It has south subtropical [sʌbˈtrɔpɪkəl](亚热带的)marine [məˈri:n](海(洋)的)climate with an annual average temperature of 21.8 degree Celsius [ˈselsi:əs, -ʃəs,ˈselsiəs](摄氏度),rainfall [ˈreɪnˌfɔ:l](降雨量)0of 1694 millimeters(毫米), and a frost-free(无霜期) period of 345 days. It's abundant [əˈbʌndənt](大量的)in agricultural [ˌægriˈkʌltʃərəl](农业的) and aquatic [əˈkwætɪk, əˈkwɔt-](水)resources. Its mineral [ˈminərəl](矿产) resources include coal, salt, copper [ˈkɔpə,ˈkɒpə(r)](铜), iron, zinc [ziŋk](锌), lead [li:d](铅) and limestone [ˈlaɪmˌstəʊn](石灰石).

China Guangzhou's industry covers machinery [məˈʃi:nəri](机械), shipbuilding [ˈʃɪpˌbɪldɪŋ](造船), textiles(纺织), sugar-refinery(制糖业), household electrical appliances(家用电器), computers, petrochemicals(石化的), light industrial products for daily use, rubber products and garments. The Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone(广州经济科技开发区) situated in Huangpu has already taken shape(成形). Guangzhou has advanced agriculture, abounding in rice, sugarcanes(甘蔗), fruits, freshwater fish and oil crops.

Guangzhou city is the communication hub [hʌb](中心)of Guangdong Province, with railways and highways radiating(辐射) in all directions, and convenient inland-water(内陆), coastal [ˈkəʊstl](沿海的) and ocean transport. Huangpu is the biggest seaport [ˈsi:ˌpɔ:t, -ˌpəʊrt](海港) in the South, ranking fifth in volume of freight handled(吞吐量) in China. Its airport stands also in the forefront [ˈfɔ:ˌfrʌnt, ˈfəʊr-](前线)in passenger transport.

Guangzhou city is South China's biggest national-and-foreign-oriented(外向型) city with flourishing commerce, and China's chief foreign trade center as well. It holds Canton Fair(广交会) - the important trade fairs twice a year in Guangzhou city. It's also China's famous historical and cultural city(历史文化名城). The city with long summer and no winter is always green with flowers in bloom all the year round, hence [hens](因此) reputed(有…名声) as "Flower City". Its scenic spots(自然风景) and historical sites include Guangxiao Temple(寺), Liurong Temple and White Clouds Mountain scenic area etc.

Efforts are being made to build Guangzhou China into an international metropolis [mɪˈtrɔpəlɪs](大都市) functioning primarily as the biggest financial, high-tech and light industrial, as well as communication and transport center in South China.