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Study abroad teaches about recycling

1 6155 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-07-22

Study abroad teaches about recycling

Study abroad students(海外留学的学生) applied what they learned about recycling(废物回收) on their travels through Australia and New Zealand.

The Eastern communication department decided to take a group of students within the department to both of these islands during the month of June.

Since the group's return, the students decided as part of their study abroad assignment [əˈsainmənt](作业) to educate the community on how to improve recycling.

Claire Dau, a junior communication studies major, said she learned a lot while having a great time.

Dau said one of the neatest(最棒的) things she enjoyed was visiting the Maori in New Zealand.

"We learned some of their games, what some of their words meant, and had a really good time getting to know their culture," she said.

Dau also said the students' main objective for Eastern's campus(东校区的主要目的) is to teach students how to recycle because many people do not know how to properly recycle.

"I learned a lot about recycling and caring for the environment," she said. "It made me realize how poor we are about recycling and I feel like we're not veryconcentrated [ˈkɔnsntreɪtɪd](关注) at all."

Nathan Schwalm, a senior communication studies major, said this trip was anadventure [ədˈventʃə](冒险).

During the trip, Schwalm said the group tried to create a place for scraps[skræp](废金属) and improve recycling by labeling containers since some places are harder to identify [aiˈdentifai](辨别).

Another student, Sara Pishak, a senior communication studies major, said this was the first time this trip was put together by the communications department.

Pishak said she is not sure if this will take place again if enough students do not sign up next year.

She said the group will also meet with the Resident's Hall Association at the beginning of the semester [siˈmestə](学期) to inform Eastern what they learned.

Pishak said she learned a lot about herself during her time abroad.

She said this was a once in a lifetime opportunity(一辈子的机会).