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2 8203 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-03-22


China's teenagers aren't getting enough sleep, according to the results of a survey released this year by the Chinese Sleep Research Society.


Around 81 percent of 13-17 year-olds are getting less than the 8-10 hours a night recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Academic pressure and the late-night use of electronic devices were named as the two biggest culprits contributing to the problem.


The findings are in line with results released on Thursday of a survey of 1,134 college students by China Youth News Network. It found that more than 1-in-3 students were falling asleep after midnight, and getting less than seven hours sleep a night.


Many people in China don't get enough sleep, and the problem is especially severe in China's first-tier cities. According to a report released in March last year by the Chinese Sleep Research Society, young adults in Beijing are getting the least amount of sleep – less than the seven hours recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control for people aged1 18 to 60. And people in finance have the worst sleep time due to the work pressure.

中国很多人睡眠不足,中国一线城市的问题尤其严重。根据中国睡眠研究学会去年3月发布的一份报告,北京的年轻人睡眠最少 - 少于美国疾病控制中心推荐的18至60岁人群的7小时。由于工作压力,金融业的睡眠时间最短。 

These results follow on from earlier research conducted by the sleep research group. In 2016 they warned thatmore than 300 million people in China had difficulty falling asleep.

这些结果来自睡眠研究小组进行的早期研究。 2016年,他们警告说,中国有超过3亿人难以入睡。 

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has said that a lack of sleep can contribute to the development of many chronic health conditions, including Type- diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and depression.

