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1 5803 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-01-28


Researchers who looked at more than 5,500 women from Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand found those who consumed the least fruit were 50 percent more likely to be infertile.


And compared to women who ate fruit three or more times a day in the month before conception, women who ate fruit less than one to three times a month took half a month longer to become pregnant.


They also calculate that the women with the lowest intake of fruit had a 12% risk of having been unable to conceive within a year.


Similarly, compared to women who never or rarely ate fast food, women who consumed fast food four or more times a week took nearly a month longer to become pregnant. Their risk of infertility also doubled from eight to 16 percent.


However the amount of green leafy vegetables and fish made no difference to conception times.


Professor Claire Roberts, of the University of Adelaide, Australia, who led the study, said: "These findings show that eating a good quality diet that includes fruit and minimising fast food consumption improves fertility and reduces the time it takes to get pregnant."

负责这项研究的澳大利亚阿德莱德大学的Claire Roberts教授说:“这些研究结果表明,吃含有水果和减少快餐消费的优质饮食可以提高生育率,减少怀孕所需的时间。”



