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【英语作文】元旦美文 300字

3 5791 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-12-26

【英语作文】元旦美文 300字


On the New Year's Day, I went to Jiyuan with my father, mother, and Zhang Xinyi.

Dad drove the car. In less than an hour, we went to Jiyuan City. I went to the Jiangnan Business Club. I couldn’t wait to push the rotating glass door. I pushed in a few times and I went straight in. I suddenly saw a square in the middle of the hall. In the pond, there are many small fish swimming freely. Then the waiter gave me a pair of slippers and a towel for each of us. After we changed the shoes, we went straight to the second floor and went to the second floor room. I saw that the bed there was different from our usual. It was laid directly on the ground. Mom said that Koreans sleep on the floor like this. . I am happy to take off my shoes and run around, which is smooth and warm. Then, we went to the restaurant on the third floor to have a buffet, and then took a hot shower. Finally, we went to see the wonderful performances. The most shocking thing for me was the martial arts performance of a big brother. He performed a total of three unique activities. The first one was to burn the water heater, not only dare to touch it by hand. Also put the water heater on the tongue. The second is to take off the clothes and squat directly on the glass slag, and stand upside down with the head for 5 seconds. The third is to lift the bucket of ten pounds with the eyelids, and also carried a few turns, really amazing!

New Year's Day is really happy, how did your classmates celebrate New Year's Day?



爸爸开着车,不到一个小时我们就到了济源市,到了忆江南商务会所,我迫不及待地推开旋转玻璃门,推几下就直接进去了,我一下子就看见大厅正中间有一个正方形的池塘,那里面有许多小鱼在自 由自在地游来游去。然后服务员阿姨给我们每个人发了一双拖鞋和一条毛巾。我们换好鞋后就直接上到了二楼,来到二楼的房间,我看见那里的床和我们平时的不一样,它是直接铺在地上的,妈妈说韩 国人就是这样睡在地板上的。我高兴地脱掉鞋在上面跑来跑去,那上面又光滑又暖和。接着,我们又来到三楼的餐厅吃了自助餐,然后又美美地洗了洗热水澡。最后,我们又去看了精彩的演艺,最让我 心惊肉跳的是一位大哥哥的武术表演,他一共表演了三个绝活儿,第一个是把热水器烧红,不但敢用手去摸,还把热水器放在舌头上。第二个是把衣服脱掉直接趴在上玻璃渣上,还用头倒立在上面,并 且坚持了5秒钟。第三个是用眼皮提起十斤重的水桶,并且还提着转了几圈,真厉害!


Today is New Year's Day, fireworks are set in the night sports village. I went to see the fireworks with my father, mother, uncle, and aunt.

There are so many people! The water is unreasonable. Everyone is talking about it, talking and laughing, and it’s very lively. Finally, the fireworks were started, and all kinds of fireworks were very good. Some are like waterfalls, some are like parachutes, some are like a hundred flowers; the sound of fireworks is one after another, some are rumbling and deafening, some are like the sound of early morning birds, pleasing to the ear, heavy for a while, light for a while, my ears are I’m so confused.

I think, if there is such a thing every day, how good it is! I really hope that this wish can come true. I want my mother to buy me a lot of small cannons. I put a few of them every night. I am very happy. I really did it. It seems that I saw fireworks every day. I have learned since then. If you believe in yourself, be brave in pursuing, and surpass yourself, you will succeed. Do you believe it? Mom said: "I believe that when you grow up, there are still many opportunities to see. Experience".

New Year's Day, my dream, the festival I liked very much.



人好多呀!水泄不通。大家都在议论着,谈笑着,热闹极了。终于开始放烟花了,各种各样的烟花好看极了。有的像瀑布,有的像降落伞,有的像百花齐放;烟花的响声此起彼伏,有的轰隆隆震 耳欲聋,有的叽叽喳喳象清晨鸟儿的叫声,悦耳动听,一会儿重,一会儿轻,我的耳朵都快听糊涂了。

我想,要是天天都有这样的事,多好呀!真希望这个愿望可以成真。我要妈妈给我买了好多小炮,每天晚上都放几个,我非常高兴,真的做到了,就好象我每天都看到了放烟花。从那时起我就懂 得了,只要相信自己,勇于追求,超越自我,就一定会成功的,你相信吗?妈妈说:“我相信,你长大后,一定还有很多机会看到的,经历的”。

