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2 8300 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-12-13



winter is here! The white snow flakes fellto the ground, like cotton in one place, people are running slowly, for fear ofwrestling.

 A few of our children were playing on theroad, sweating, and feeling cold. We found a piece of open space, you snowball,I took the tools to pile up the snowman. We use chestnuts as eyes, radishes asnoses, peppers as mouths, and two jingles. In a short while, a big, fat andcute snowman was born.

 The cold wind blew, the snowman seemed tobe dancing gently, and we were happy and laughed, and we sang and danced. Ican't help but say: "Beauty! Winter!"







This is a cold winter, the outside is coldand windy, sometimes it is snowy, it is too cold to describe, it hurtseveryone, you have to wear a sweater, put on gloves, and then put on a cottoncoat, dressed like a bear, otherwise Will be frozen into ice lolly.

 In such a cold winter, we had to stay inthe classroom and didn't dare to go out, because as soon as we went out, thebiting cold wind would come on the face, freezing your face like earth, handsred, so that you have a cold, no way, cold The group turned, there was anuncontrollable power burst, like eating all the peppers in the world. In thecold winter, no matter how lazy people are, if they blow the wind, they will beas excited as they are, especially when they get up in the morning and changeclothes. When they wear clothes, they are the coldest. They only wear pajamas.But when we feel that it is too cold, we can't wait to put all the clothes inone second.

 Oh, winter is too cold, I really hope thatwinter will come soon, spring is coming to us!





