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1 10329 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-11-27




2.a percentage of 表示抽象概念;数字+percentof 表示多少的百分比


4.partof某整体中的一部分(可大,可小;但不可分割);apart of 某整体中很小的一部分

5.on radio/ television  通过收音机/电视

6.sth. is available.  可以提供某物


8.hundreds of peopleeight hundred people:请注意有数词存在后,表量名词的变化。

9.advice/information 为不可数名次。不能有复数形式。

10.practice doing sth. 练习做某事

11.less than +adj. 不怎么+形容词的含义如:lessthan happy 不怎么开心

12.mean-meant shake-shook meet-met

13.半系动词后加名词:looksadkeep silent5




1. be sure of  确保、一定、毫无疑问/形容词词组

2. have a corner in/on sth.  垄断/动词词组

e.g. have a corner on the textile market  垄断纺织市场

have a corner in textile  对纺织品进行垄断

3. lead the world with sth.  以什么来引领世界/动词词组

4. vary in sth.  有差异 e.g. vary in ideas  想法有差异

vary sth.  改变 e.g. vary your attitude  改变你的观点

vary with  随什么而改变

vary from sth./sb. to sth./sb.  什么什么各不相同

e.g. vary from person to person  人人不同 vary from place to place 每个地方各不相同

5. sth. is due.  到了该什么的时间了。e.g.The federal taxes are due. 到了该收税款的时间了

6.disagree with 不同意/动词词组

7. guarantee sth. for sb. 保证某人某事/动词词组

e.g. This will not guarantee success for every adult languagelearner. 这样不能确保每一位学习语言的成年人都成功。

8. be different from 与什么不同/形容词词组

9. succeed in sth./ doing sth. 成功做某事/动词词组

10. offer advice to sb. 给某人建议/动词词组

11. play with sth. 轻松学习某事物/动词词组

12. in many ways 再很多方面/介词词组

13. depend on sb./sth. for sth. 依靠某人或某事而获得某事/动词词组

14. discover one''s own way to do sth. 发现并用自己的方法做某事/动词词组

15. instead of sth./ doing sth. 想反/而没有做某事/介词词组

16. wait for sb. to do sth. 等待某人做某事/动词词组

17. look for sth./sb. 寻找某人或某物/动词词组

18. make a mistake 犯错误/动词词组

19. be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事/形容词词组

20. be willing1 todo sth. 愿意做某事/形容词词组

21. do sth. with a purpose 有目的地做某事/故意做某事/动词词组

22. be interested in sth./sb. 对某人或某物很感兴趣/形容词词组

23. communicate with sb. 与某人交流/动词词组

24. learn from sb. 想某人学习

25. might do well to do sth. 最好做某事

26. be similarto  与什么一样/形容词词组

27. buy sth. for +多少钱/动词词组  e.g. buy a packet ofcigarettes for twenty-five cents.

28. in addition to sth./doing sth. 除了(表示加的概念)/名词词组

e.g. In addition to teachingshe is in charge of managing the whole school.

In addition to his flat in Chaoyang he has anther flat in Haidian.

29. in two forms  以两种形式

30. charge on sth.  收取什么的费用 e.g. charge on cars in a city. 收取城内汽车的费用。

be charged with 被控诉有某种罪行;becharged by sb.  由某人收取费用

charge for  收取多少价钱e.g.How much do you charge for this car?这辆车你要多少钱?

in charge  负责 e.g.Who is in charge here  谁在这负责?

31. raise funds for  为什么筹集资金 egraise funds for education  为教育筹集资金。

32. complain about sth./sb.  抱怨某人或某事/动词词组;complainof sth. 述说病情

33.spend sth. in doing sth. spendsth. on sth.  花费时间;金钱;精力做某事/动词词组

34.with the help of  在什么的帮助下

35. at a table  坐在桌旁(准备就餐)

36. in this way  这样

37. mean to do sth.  本意是想要做某事

38. not at all +adj. 一点也不+相容词的含义

e.g. not at all thirsty  一点也不渴

38. as you see  可见

39. consist of   包括,组成

40. put sth. into sth.  把什么融入什么


1. not only …but also…不但而且

e.g. We can do it not only with the help of words but also in many other ways.


2. neither… nor…既不也不

e.g. People who can neither hear nor speak talk to each otherwith the help of their fingers.


3. each time 每一次(连词:用来连接两个句子)

e.g. He shook his head each time the waiter brought himsomething to drink.


4. havedifferent views on sth./sb.  对某人或某事有不同观点/动词词组

5. tend to do sth.  倾向做某事;

6. agree on sth.  同意做某事;agreewith sb.  与某人意见一致

7.attract sb.'s attention  吸引某人注意/动词词组

8. for the most part  很大程度上,在大多数情况下,一般地说/作插入语

9. persuade sb. To do sth.  劝说某人做某事/动词词组

10. put out ads.  做广告/动词词组

11. A is characteristic of B  AB的特征

e.g. Quick speech is characteristic of me.  讲话快是我的特征。

12. catch the eye  吸引某人/动词词组

13. no more than  仅仅e.g. What he said is no more than rubbish. 他说的话仅仅是垃圾。

14. identify with  把什么和什么联系起来 e.g. It is hard for me to identify his behavior with his thought. 我很难把他的想法和他的行为联系起来。

15. be carried over into 继续下去;遗留下去 e.g.The same techniques have been carried over into television ads. 同样的方法也运用在电视广告中。

16. add sth. to sth.把什么加在什么上/动词词组;mixsth. and sth. 把什么和什么融合在一起

17. put up with 忍耐/动词词组

e.g. How can you put up with a person of his sort. 你怎么能容忍他那样的人?

18. be responsible for sb./sth  为某人或某事负责/动词词组

19.decide on sth.decide to do sth. 决定(做)某事/动词词组

20. make an estimate of the costs 估计价值/动词词组

21. be involved in sth.doing 参与某事/动词词组


