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1 13787 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-11-26


1.When felt theearthquake, don't panic, stay calm, if you are sleeping, quickly hid under thebed.


2.Left walland outside window, if in the daytime, quickly hide in the corner or crouchingunder the table. Hiding under the strong architecture. Don't jump to runoutside, especially in the upper floor. Don't jump off a building or jumping.



3.If the know whenan earthquake or around a fire in the home, be sure to turn off, itselfearthquake is likely to cause a fire. If the fire will cause greater disaster,so be sure to turn off the heat, disconnected. And then quickly escape.


 4.If possibleshould cover the nose and mouth with a towel, because of the earthquake cancause houses collapsed and there is a lot of dust and smoke, use towel to covernose and mouth, guarantee the breathing smooth, prevent the inhalation offoreign body.



5.Don't run in theearthquake, must be in waiting for rescue shelter or wait for the earthquakehas stopped. Don't take care of external things, don't think about theearthquake bring valuables with you run, life is the most important. Ifpossible, to hide where there is food and water.



6.The duration of theearthquake generally shorter, the earthquake is over, conditional wordimmediately evacuate to the open area, away from the walls and buildings. To inthe process of evacuation order, don't panic, pay attention to avoidinstability. Take the stairs, do not take the elevator.



7.If you are trapped, don't try so hard, the search for water andfood items and can make a sound or signal, save water and food, as much aspossible, sent a distress signal, waiting for rescue. If there is a tool, afterthe earthquake, can use tools to save his life.


8.Flame, panic fear of people isinevitable, be sure to let myself to calm down, don't hesitate, whether it's toavoid or escape process to keep calm decisive reason.



