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1 11847 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-11-20


What`s up with you[你生什么病了?]

What`s the matterwith you[你哪儿不舒服?]

Is there a sense ofdistension and numbness[你有胀和麻木的感觉吗?]

When did the troublestart[什么时候开始不舒服?]

When did the painstart[什么时候开始痛的?]

When did it happen[什么时候发生的?]

Where does it hurt[哪儿痛?]

What`s your appetite[你的胃口怎么样?]

How`s your appetitethose days[近来食欲怎么样?]

How long have youbeen feeling like this[你有这样感觉多长时间了?]

Have you beencoughing and sneezing[你是不是一直咳嗽和打喷嚏?]

Have you got a highfever[你发烧吗?]

Any fever[发烧吗?]

Have you got anychronic disease before[你以前有过慢性病吗?]

Does it bleed often[常出血吗?]

Do you feel short ofbreath[你觉得气急吗?]

Do you feel painafter meals[是饭后痛吗?]

Hello.may can I help you[您好,我可以帮您吗?]

What seems to bebothering you[您觉得哪儿不舒服?]

Do you have a record[您有病历吗?]

I`ll transfer you tothe surgery department.[我给您转到外科去]

what`s wrong withyou[您怎么了?]

Sit down please.[请坐]

When did the symptombegin [症状是什么时候开始的?]

Are you bringanything up when you cough[咳嗽时有痰吗?]

Have you had anychills chestpain)?[您有发冷(胸痛)吗?]

Have you ever coughedup blood[您咳血过吗?]

All right. Let meexamine you. Would you mind taking off your coat[好吧。我给您检查一下,您不介意脱掉外衣吧?]

Take a deep breath please[请深呼吸]

I`ll take a whiteblood count and give you a x-ray examination.[我将给您做白细胞计数和胸片检查]

I`m sure it`spneumonia. You should be admitted to the hospital.[我可以确定您得了肺炎,应当住院。]