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1 10977 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-08-16


Q1、My eyes are always itchy this time of year


Seasonal allergies can make your eyes itch like crazy, thanks to the histamine they (and other body parts) produce in response to pollen and other irritants.



Staying indoors with the windows shut is ideal, but we know you can't be a total recluse. So use over-the-counter allergy eyedrops such as Naphcon-A, or ask your doc to prescribe a more potent one such as Pataday, says Anne Sumers, MD, a clinical correspondent for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. And shower before bed so pollen's not lingering on your face and in your hair all night long.

        应对这种过敏症最理想的办法就是待在门窗紧闭的室内,但你不可能一直这么宅着。因此,美国医学博士、眼科学会临床发言人安妮·苏梅尔斯(Anne Sumers)建议使用治疗过敏症的非处方滴眼液,如那素达滴眼液(Naphcon-A),或者找医生开些特效药,比如奥洛他定眼药水(Pataday)。另外,睡前洗澡也十分必要,这会防止花粉等过敏原整夜残留在你的脸部或头发上。

Q2、Why are my lids pink and puffy?


If one or both of your eyelids are inflamed, itchy, and red, you may have blepharitis, which occurs when bacteria or excessive oil from your eyes coats the lid near the eyelash line. It can also be caused by allergies. "Blepharitis, which is not contagious and usually doesn't require antibiotics, often gets mistaken for pink eye, which is usually caused by a virus and is highly infectious," Dr. Sumers says. Check in with an eye doctor to figure out which one you've got. A pink eyelid can also mean you have a sty, a bacterial infection on your lid that takes the form of a painful, pus-filled pimple.



Prevent and treat both styes and blepharitis by keeping the eye clean. Soak a washcloth with warm water, wring it out, and place it over your closed eye for a minute or two. Do this two or three times a day. "Clean all your eye makeup off every night," Dr. Sumers adds, "and never wear eyeliner inside your lash line." And no matter how tempted you are, don't pop a sty, or you could spread the infection.


Q3、My eyes are burning!


If you feel a gritty, scratchy, or even stabbing pain in your eyes, you may be one of the 10 million Americans suffering from dry eye syndrome. Blame modern life: Air-conditioning and central heating can leave eyes parched, says Stephanie Marioneaux, MD, an ophthalmologist in Chesapeake, Virginia. Plus, studies have shown that when we stare at a screen, we don't blink as often, so our eyes lose their natural lubrication. If you wear contact lenses, you're more prone; same goes if you smoke or take medications such as antihistamines or decongestants.

        如果你的眼睛有异物感、摩擦感,甚至是刺痛感,那你很可能患上了干眼症,这种眼部疾病在美国的患病率为千分之一。美国弗吉尼亚州 切萨皮克市眼科博士斯蒂芬妮(Stephanie Marioneaux)表示,干眼症的病因归咎于现代化生活:空调和暖气的使用会让眼睛变得干燥。此外,研究表明,当我们长时间盯着屏幕时,眨眼的次数较平时变少,眼睛也因此失去了原有的润滑。如果你佩戴隐形眼镜、吸烟或服用具有抗组胺或缓解充血功效的药物时,患干眼症的几率更大。


Try artificial tears. "Gels that are labeled 'for severe dry eye,' such as Systane, are thicker and last longer, but they can feel gummy and blur vision," Dr. Sumers says. "Drops that are labeled 'mild to moderate,' such as Refresh, are thinner and feel better, but won't last as long."

        试试人工泪液。苏梅尔斯博士表示:“那种标有‘适合严重干眼症’的人工泪液,如视舒坦(Systane),它们的粘稠度较高,持续时间较长,但会让眼睛感觉过于黏稠而视力模糊。最好选用那种‘浓度较低但很温和’的人工泪液,如 Refresh。虽然它们的效果持续时间不长,但粘稠度较低,会让眼睛舒服些。”

If drops don't do the trick, your doctor can prescribe a topical medication or fit you with punctal plugs (they're inserted into your eye to keep tears from draining too quickly). Use a vaporizer or humidifier to keep indoor air moist, too. Surprisingly, eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids—such as salmon, sardines, and tuna—may reduce your risk of dry eye, and taking flaxseed oil and omega-3 supplements may relieve symptoms, studies suggest. And every 10 minutes or so, look away from your computer or tablet screen and bat your lids like Scarlett O'Hara.

        如果人工泪液不奏效,可以请医生为你进行局部药物治疗,或者进行泪道栓塞治疗(植入泪道塞,防止眼泪较快流干)。此外,你也可以使用喷雾器或加湿器保持室内空气湿润。令人吃惊的是,研究表明,食用富含欧米伽 3(omega-3)脂肪酸的鱼类——如鲑鱼、沙丁鱼和金枪鱼等——能预防干眼症,食用亚麻籽油和补充欧米伽 3脂肪酸还能减轻干眼症症状。此外,每隔十分钟左右,把眼睛从电脑屏幕上移开,用手指轻拍眼皮也有效果。 





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