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1 8577 分享 来源:必克英语 2017-08-16

The most common sentence pattern that writers use is subject-verb-object(SVO). This is howbeginners write. For example:


The boy ate pizza.

I play soccer.

Homework is boring.

There are many ways to rewrite SVO sentences. Let's play withthis sentence:


The boy ate pizza.

1Turn it into a question:变成问句

Do you know what the boy ate? Pizza.

2Turn it into a passive sentence:变成被动语态

The pizza was devoured by the boy. (You could use"eaten" but here "devoured" gives a better reason forplacing the pizza first.)

3Turn it into an exclamatory sentence:变成感叹句。

The boy ate pizza again!

4Combine it with your next sentence:与相邻句子合并

The boy wolfed down the pizza and then ran outside to play.

5Use a transitional phrase:使用过渡连词

Even though the boy ate the pizza, you could tell that he wantedto be outside playing.

6Start with a participle:用一个分词开始

Eating the pizza, the boy watched his friends playing outside.

7Place modifiers in different places:在不同位置使用修饰语

The pizza, which was a huge pepperoni slice, was devoured by theboy.

Wolfing down his pizza, the boy barely noticed the pepperoni onit.

The boy ate the large pepperoni pizza as quickly as possible.

Although he wanted to keep playing, the boy rushed in and wolfeddown his pizza lunch.

As fast as he could, the boy ate the pizza.

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