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1 10836 分享 来源:必克英语 2015-04-21


        Travelling by Train 乘火车 

  Key Sentences(重点句子)

  852. How long will this express take to go to Shanghai?


  853.This express will go straight from Beijing to Shanghai without a stop.


  854. I'd like to have two soft berth tickets to Shanghai for tomorrow.


  855. OK. It comes to 1,200 yuan including service fee.


  856. May I have two lower berths?


  857. Sorry. We usually pair the upper and lower together to sell.


  858. Which car are we in?


  859. Here we are,Car 14.


  860. Seats No. 20 and 21. It's nice that we've got a windowseat.


  861. Let's put our suitcases on the rack.


  862. But I prefer the aisle seat here.


  863. Do you know when the train is due in Beijing?


  864. Look at the vast stretches of green fields.


  865. We'll be coming into Shanghaiguan in a few minutes.


  866. Look,is that part of the Great Wall over there?


  Dialogue A

  (Buying berth tickets)

  A:How long will this express take to go to Shanghai?

  B:About 18 hours.

  A:How many stations will it stop at?

  B:This express will go straight from Beijing to Shanghai with out a stop.

  A:Oh. Is there a train that leaves in the afternoon?

  B:Yes,ma'am. Do you need a ticket?

  A:I'd like to have two soft berth tickets to Shanghai for tomorrow.

  B:OK. It comes to 1,200 yuan including service fee.

  A:May I have two lower berths?

  B:Sorry. We usually pair the upper and lower together to sell. You may ask the conductor to change it for you.

  A:I see. Thanks a lot.

  B:Have a nice trip.

  Dialogue B

  (They are hurrying to the platform when the bell begins to ring. )

  A:We're about to miss the train. Hurry up!

  B:Hold on. I haven't heard the whistle,so there's time.

  A:Which car are we in?

  B:Let me see. Oh, No. 14.

  A:Oh,bother!It's the very end of the train.

  B:We have no choice.

  A:Here we are,Car 14. Let's get in.

  B:Seats No. 20 and 21. It's nice that we've got a windows eat.

  A:But I prefer the aisle seat here. I feel sick with a seat back to the engine.

  B:Take whichever you like. Let's put our suitcases on the rack.

  A:Oh,the baggage rack is full. Put them under the seat for the time being.

  B:All right. But I must take my camera out. It's…。

  A:It's expensive,isn't it?It must have cost you a fortune.

  B:Don't be so sarcastic.

  A:Well, there goes the whistle. We're leaving. Do you know when the train is due in Beijing?

  B:I'm not quite sure. But it takes about 15 hours, so we'll arrive around 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

  A:That's good. We'll have enough time to find a hotel and have a sound sleep.

  B:I hope so.

  Dialogue C

  (On the train. )

  A:(Looking out of the window)How beautiful the sceneryis!Look at the vast stretches of green fields.

  B:But it looks lovely only at this time of the year. It's rather monotonous in winter.

  A:That's why I prefer to travel in the summer.

  B:Me too,except for the terrible heat.

  A:Really!I've just about had enough of that. (The conductor comes around with a kettle of boiled water. )

  B:Why don't we have some tea? Here,I've brought some tea bags with me.

  A:Wonderful!That's exactly what I want now.

  B:The service is excellent,isn't it?

  A:Yes,it sure is. But it's a pity they don't sell light snacks. I feel a little bit hungry now.

  B:We'll be coming into Shanghaiguan in a few minutes. There'll be plenty of food venders on the platform there.

  A:Splendid. Look,is that part of the Great Wall over there?

  B:I suppose it is. We must be near Shanghaiguan now. (Announcer:Attention,please. We shall be arriving Shanghaiguan shortly,at four o'clock. The train's five minutesbehind schedule. )

  A:The train's pulling in. Do we have time to get off and stretch our legs?

  B:You may go out if you want. The train leaves in a quarter of an hour. Whatever you do, don't miss it.

  A:No worry at all.

  Words and Expressions

  berth               n. 卧铺

  express        n. 快车

  conductor      n. 售票员;列车员

  platform      n. 站台,月台

  whistle        n. 汽笛

  baggage rack              行李架

  sarcastic    a. 讽刺的,嘲笑的

  monotonous   a. 单调的

  kettle            n. 水壶

  vender           n. 小贩


