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How to knock a native speaker's socks off-6

1 9114 分享 来源:必克英语 2012-08-08


The buck stops here.一人做事一人当。

A: What's your attitude when you do wrong things at work?

A: 当你在工作中做错事时,你是什么态度?

B: The buck stops here.

B: 一人做事一人当。



Face the music.面对现实吧、

A: I have lots of work to do. What's more, my grandma is ill.

A: 我有很多工作要做,更糟糕的是,我奶奶病了。

B: I am sorry to hear that, but face the music.

B: 听到这些我很难过,但还是面对现实吧。



Just bite the bullet and get it over with.咬紧牙关完成这件事情。

A: So many exams. I can't bear it.

A: 太多考试了,我都受不了了。

B: Just bit the bullet and get it over with.

B: 咬紧牙关完成这件事情。



I would bend over backwards to help you.我将为你赴汤蹈火。

A: Don't worry. I would bend over backwards to help you.

A: 别担心,我将为你赴汤蹈火。

B: That's so nice of you! Thank you.

B: 你真是太好了。谢谢你。



Don't put me on the spot.别让我为难。

A: Could you do me a favor? Please give me some confidential information.

A: 能帮我个忙吗?透露一些机密的资料给我。

B: Don't put me on the spot. You know, I can't do that.

B: 不要让我为难,你是知道的,我不能那样做。



This is over my head.这实在是太难懂了。

A: Could you do me a favor? I don't understand this French document.

A: 能帮我个忙吗?我看不懂这份法语文件。

B: Oh, this is over my head. It's too professional.

B: 噢,这实在是太难懂了,太专业了。



I always put my best foot forward.我总是全力以赴。

A: Although I didn't get a place in the competition, I always put my best foot forward.

A: 虽然比赛中我从未获得过名次,但我总是全力以赴。

B: Dear, you are the best one!

B: 亲爱的,你是最棒的!



Let the dog off the leash.放手去干吧。

A: Boss, I think I am not competent for this work.

A: 老板,我认为我不能胜任这个工作。

B: Don't worry. Let the dog off the leash.

B: 别担心,放手去干吧。



I am totally maxed out.我真是累坏了。

A: I have been working 70 hours this week. I am totally maxed out.

A: 这个星期我工作了70个小时。真是累坏我了。

B: 70 hours? I would be dead if I worked hard like that.

B: 70个小时?我要是工作这么多,我一定会累死的。



He is a turn-off.他很让人倒胃口。

A: Why don't you love him?

A: 你为什么不爱他?

B: He is a turn-off. He always throws dirty clothes everywhere.

B: 他很让人倒胃口,他总是把脏衣服到处扔。