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3 9032 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-03-29



Words Storm

bakery 面包店

pharmacy 药店

off- licence 卖酒执照

branch 分店

checkout 收银台

get a rofund 退货

fitting room 试衣间

special offer 特惠

greengrocer’s 蔬菜水果站

butcher’s 生肉铺

florist’s 花店

newsagent’s 报停

mall 大商场

trolley 超市手推车

try on 试穿

pay by cheque 支票结算

coupon 优惠劵

on-line shopping 网上购物

chemist‘s 药店

ironmonger’s 五金店

chain store 连锁店

aisle 通道

keep the receipt 保留收据

window-shopping 浏览橱窗,只看不买

three for two 买二赠一

clearance sale 清仓甩卖



Useful Expression

I’m just browsing,thanks我只是随便看看,谢谢。

Show me this one,please。谁拿这个给我看看。

Oh,that suits you very well。哇,很适合你!

Ok,I’ll take it。好的,我要了。

It was on special offer。 这个在特惠期。

Have you got it in medium。 这件有中码的吗?

What make is it? 什么牌子的?

Shop till you drop! 逛死为止!

They’re cheap and cheerful。 这些东西物美价廉。

Have you got it in white? 这款有白色的吗?

It must cost you a packet。/It must have cost a fortune。 这个一定花了你一大笔钱。

The flights are a bit pricey at this time of the year。每年的这个时候机票都会比较贵。

It was a real bargain! I got this Beatles CD in the second-hand shop for a pound。


It didn’t cost me a penny。My brother gave it to me。这是白来的,我哥哥给我的。

We had to get tickets at the last minute sowe had to pay through the nose for them。


It was a real rip-off。 真黑啊,简直像抢钱一样。

All out now。Please come earlier tomorrow。 全卖光了,明天请早点来

You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon。 这可是千载难逢的好机会。

