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1 6717 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-05-24


一. 核心单词 

1. regulation n.规则,规章 

2. reject vt.拒绝 

3. relation n.关系; 亲属 

4. relative n.亲属,亲戚 

5. relax v.(使)放松,轻松 

6. relevant adj.紧密相关的;有意义的 

7. reliable adj.可信赖的,可依靠的 

8. relief n.缓解,消除;救济;援救 

9. religious adj.宗教的

10. remain vi.剩下;保持,仍是 

11. remark n.谈论;评论v.说起;评论 

12. remind vt.提醒,使记起 

13. remote adj.遥远的;偏僻的;疏远的

14. remove vt.移动,拿走;脱掉(衣服等)

15. replace vt.取代

16. represent vt.作为……的代表、代理;象征;描绘 

17. reputation n.名气,名声,名誉

18. request n.&vt.请求,要求

19. requirement n.需要; 要求; 必要的条件 

20. research n.&v.研究,调查

21. resemble vt.相似,类似,看起来像(不用于进行时) 

22. result n.结果,效果

23. revision n.复习,温习

24. reserve n.保留;储备;替补队员;自然保护区 vt.**;储备;保留 

25. resign v.辞职


二. 重点短语

1. make full/good use of 充分利用

put...to use 加以使用 

come into use 开始被使用

be of great use 很有用 

It is no use/useless doing sth 做某事是没用的


2. make up 组成;化妆;打扮;补充;编造 

make up for 弥补;补偿 

make room for 给……腾地方

make up one’s mind 下决心 

make one’s way 排除困难前进

make progress 进步 

make a promise 许诺 

make a living 谋生 

make out 认出,理解 

make it 成功;及时到达

be made up of 由……组成


三. 写作句式 


1. (2015·安徽高考书面表达)If I could interview him,I would ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was trained. 


2. But for your advice, I would have failed. 


3. It is time that we human being stook/should take proper measures to keep the balance of nature.



四. 我读我练 

Ⅰ. 词汇应用 

1. Please remind(提醒)me to write an e-mail to my mother tomorrow, for it’s her birthday. 

2. The school, more than 90 percent of whose graduates are usually admitted into key universities, enjoys an excellent reputation (名声).

3. You can get plenty of valuable information from some reliable (rely)sources.

4. He often says that he doesn’t believe in any religion (religious) and only believes in himself.  

5. You cannot choose what you are given,but you can choose how you make use of (利用) it.

6. Now many girls like to make up (化妆) when they are still quite young.


Ⅱ. 句式仿写

1. 我相信,如果你是我,你会做出相同的选择。

(2013·山东高考写作)I believe that if you were me, you would make the same choice.

2. 没有你的帮助,我无论如何也不会成功。 

Without your help, I wouldn’t have succeeded anyway.

3. 是我们致力于环境保护和生态改善的时候了。

It’s high time that we devoted ourselves to environmental protection and ecological improvement.




