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1 5715 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-05-22


一. 核心单词

1. suppose vt.猜想,假定,料想

2. surrounding adj.周围的 

3. survey n.调查;概况 

4. survival n.存活下来;生存者,残存物

5. suspect n.嫌疑犯,嫌疑分子 v.怀疑

6. swallow v.吞下,咽下n.燕子

7. switch v.转换,转变n.开关,电闸;转换

8. symbol n.符号,记号,象征

9. sympathy n.同情,怜悯,慰问 

10. symptom n.症状

11. system n.体系;系统

12. systematic adj.系统的,有条理的 

13. talent n.天才,天赋 

14. target n.目标,靶子vt.瞄准 

15. tasty adj.味道好的

16. technology n.技术

17. temporary adj.临时的,暂时的,非永久的

18. temptation n.引诱;诱惑 

19. tendency n.趋向,倾向 

20. tense adj.紧张的v.拉紧;使肌肉变得绷紧 n.时态

21. thrill n.&v.兴奋,激动

22. tolerate vt.忍受;容忍,宽恕

23. total adj.总数的;总括的;完全的 n.合计,总计 v.合计为

24. tourist n.旅行者,观光者 

25. tournament n.锦标赛,联赛


二. 重点短语

1. run away from 跑掉;逃避

run out of 用完;用尽 

run out 用完

run across 穿过;偶然碰到

run after 追逐;追求 

run into 撞上;遇到


2. set down 写下,记下;登记 

set about doing sth/set out to do sth 开始做某事,着手做某事

set out 出发;开始 

set up 建立;树立;设立 

set sb free 释放某人 

set fire to/set...on fire 放火烧…… 

set off 引爆;出发;动身

set aside 搁置,把……放在一旁

3. show up 露面;出现

show...in 带或领……进来 

show sb into 领某人进入 

show sb out 领某人出去 

show sb around/round someplace 领某人参观某地

show sb to the door 送某人到门口 

show off 炫耀;显示


三. 写作句式


1. (2016·天津高考书面表达)Looking back on the past two weeks, we can’t help thinking of the heated discussions we had in class.回顾过去的两周,我们情不自禁想起了我们课堂上进行的那些激烈的讨论。 

2. (2016·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达) Actually, I have been expecting to meet you on Sunday to have a good time. 


3. What’s worse, I found myself having a fever this morning and I went to the clinic for immediate treatment, only to bead vised to stay in bed for three days. 


4. As a young student, I suggest that the teacher choose more films that appeal to us teenagers, thus making the course more interesting. 



四. 我读我练

Ⅰ. 词汇应用

1. According to a recent survey(调查), heavy homework is what most students often blame for their lack of sleep.

2. Many students seek for temporary (临时的) jobs during their summer holidays to get some experience.

3.Exporting is necessary for their economic survival (survive).

4. As you know, apart from tasty(taste)dumplings, what elderly people in the nursing home also need is warmth and care.

5. When they were here on holiday I showed them round/around (领他们参观了)the beautiful scenery in my hometown. 

6. We gathered at the foot of Daqing Mountain and set out (出发)for the top in high spirits.


Ⅱ. 句式仿写 

1. 我写此信,请您帮我修改我的求职信和简历。 

(2016·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达) I am writing to ask you to help polish my letter of application and resume. 

2. 得知我们学校图书馆要买书,我想提些建议。

(2014·浙江高考书面表达)Knowing that our school library is going to buy books, I’d like to give some suggestions.

3. 出生在一个贫困的小职员家庭中,查尔斯·狄更斯接受了很少的学校教育。 

Born into a poor clerk’family, Charles Dickens had little schooling. 

4. 坐落在山顶的庙经历了这个地区的许多变化。

Standing on the top of the mountain,the temple has witnessed many changes in this area.



