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2 9235 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-03-26


1.digital a. 数字的

numerical a. 数字的;用数字表示的

~ documents 数码文件a ~ camera 数码相机

Digital products, from our VCR to our computer to our cellular phone to ourmicrowave and beyond, have covered every aspect of our life. 从录像机到计算机、从手机到微波炉,数字产品已经覆盖了我们生活的方方面面。


2. disaster n. 灾难,祸患

calamity n. 灾难;不幸catastrophe n. 灾难,大祸

air pollution ~ 气污染灾害  ecological ~ 生态灾祸  economic ~ 经济浩劫natural ~ 自然灾害  public ~ 公害

Some developing countries are heading foran environmental ~ with high-tech garbage dump sand lackof waste management processes. 由于高科技垃圾堆积和缺乏废品管理程序,一些发展中国家正面临环境灾难。


3. discipline n. 学科

study 学习;研究;学科subject n. 科目;学科

academic ~s 学科 compulsory ~s 必修学科

All states recognise the importance ofscientific ~s in training individuals, but also as a driving force forsustainable development in all its aspects, in particular economic, social andecological. 所有的国家都认识到科学课目不仅对个人培养至关重要,同时也是确保一个国家各个方面持续发展的推动力,特别是在经济、社会和生态方面。


4. disposal n. 处理;销毁

treatment n. 对待;处理

garbage ~ 垃圾处理  sewage ~ 污水处理  waste- ~ unit 废品处置部门

Resources such as the rain forests, oil, coaland natural gas are being used up at an alarming rate, while pollution andwaste ~ have aroused widespread concern. 雨林石油、煤和天然气等资源正在以惊人的速度被耗尽,同时污染和废物处理已引起了广泛的关注。


5. disseminate v. 散布

diffuse v. 散布;传播distribute v. 分发;分配 spread v.传播;散布

~ information 传播信息 ~ rumors 散布谣言

The Internet is probably the cheapest and most efficient w ay to ~ information. 互联网恐怕是最廉价和最有效的信息传播方式。