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6 20578 分享 来源:必克英语 2017-09-19

1. The most common letter in English is "e".


2. The most common consonant in English is "r", followedby "t".


3. Only two English words in current use end in "-gry".They are "angry" and "hungry".


4. The word "bookkeeper" (along with its associate"bookkeeping") is the only unhyphenated English word with threeconsecutive double letters. Other such words, like "sweet-toothed",require a hyphen to be readily readable.


5. The word "triskaidekaphobia" means "extreme fearof the number 13". This superstition is related to"paraskevidekatriaphobia", which means "fear of Friday the13th".


6. More English words begin with the letter "s" thanwith any other letter.


7. A preposition is always followed by a noun (ie noun, propernoun, pronoun, noun group, gerund).


8. The word "uncopyrightable" is the longest Englishword in normal use that contains no letter more than once.


9.A sentence that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet iscalled a "pangram".


10. The following sentence contains all 26 letters of thealphabet: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." Thissentence is often used to test typewriters or keyboards.

下面这个句子就包含所有26个字母“The quick brown fox jumps overthe lazy


11. The word "alphabet" comes from the first two lettersof the Greek alphabet: alpha, bēta.


12. In English, the @ symbol is usually called "the atsign" or "the at symbol".


13. The shortest complete sentence in English is the following."I am."

英语里最短的完整句子是“I am”。

14. The word "Checkmate" in chess comes from the Persianphrase "Shah Mat" meaning "the king is helpless".

象棋里“将军”这个词来源于波斯语“Shah Mat”,意思是“国王束手无策”。

15. The longest English word without a true vowel is"rhythm".


16. The only planet not named after a god is our own, Earth.


17.We can find 10 words in the 7-letter word "therein"without rearranging any of its letters: the, there, he, in, rein, her, here,ere, therein, herein.

从“therein”这个由七个字母组成的单词里,能不换字母顺序而找出十个单词:the, there, he, in, rein, her,here, ere, therein, herein.

18.The "QWERTY keyboard" gains its name from the factthat its first 6 letter keys are Q, W, E, R, T and Y. On early typewriters thekeys were arranged in such a way as to minimize the clashing of the mechanicalrods that carried the letters.



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