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【新环境】Trying to find my feet

1 18954 分享 来源:必克英语 2011-06-22

Trying to find my feet


Gordon: US 8, UK 42. Ferrare Cavallo. Heel…(Lying on couch & examining a pair of shoes)

Katherine: Hurry up! You'll be late for work. What are you doing?

Gordon: I'm a little bit worried about my new job. I'm trying to find my feet.

Katherine: That's the trouble then. You deserve [diˈzə:v] the boot [bu:t].

Gordon: Why?

Katherine: You work in a shoe shop and if you don't even know where your feet are, then there's no future for you there. Now get a move on before I put my foot in your mouth.

Gordon: Alright, alright, I'm leaving.



戈登: 美国码8号、英国码42号、意大利真皮、鞋后跟……(躺在沙发上,反复观看一双皮鞋)

凯瑟琳: 快点!你快迟到了,你在干什么?

戈登: 我只是有点担心新工作,我正尝试适应新环境。

凯瑟琳: 问题就在这里,你真该被解雇。

戈登: 为什么?

凯瑟琳: 你在鞋店工作,但居然不知自己脚踏何地,我觉得你在鞋店也不会有什么前途。你再不动身,别怪我不客气了。

戈登: 好的,好的,我马上出门。



第一个是trying to find my feet,意为“我正在努力适应新环境”。其它类似说法还有:

I'm trying to orientate myself.  我在尽力适应。

I’m trying to settle in. 我在努力习惯(新工作/新居等)

I’m learning the ropes. 我正在学习掌握窍门。