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Raging Nature

1 16713 分享 来源:必克英语 2011-03-16

Raging((自然力量)猛烈的) Nature is an American nature documentary series produced by Creative Differences for Discovery Channel which collects together extraordinary videos of unbelievable incidents from across the world caused by Mother Nature, showcasing all the action caught on film.

The series - which comprises three hour-long films called "Tornadoes"(龙卷风), "Swarms (蜂拥)and Stampedes(蜂拥)" and "Landslides(山崩,山体滑坡)" - premiered(初次公演,首映) in the USA on Discovery Channel on 18 August, 2008


Raging Nature: Tornadoes

Tornadoes analyzes the most destructive tornadoes ever caught on tape, from the 1999 Oklahoma City Tornado to a 2005 twister that decimated (大量毁灭,大批杀死)the town of Woodward, Iowa.

Hear eyewitness accounts from those who survived the storms and watch the footage they risked their lives to capture. Plus, using forensic animation, Raging Nature: Tornadoes examines each clip, revealing details even the survivors did not see.


Raging Nature: Swarms and Stampedes

They are some of the most dramatic and destructive forces of mother nature. Masses of animals and insects that can be vicious(恶毒的,残暴的), violent, and even deadly.

Around the globe, millions and often billions of creatures are locked into a timeless battle where only the strongest will survive.

Raging Nature: Swarms and Stampedes flies directly into the swarm allowing viewers to travel as a member of the herd to dissect some of the most incredible video ever shot.

Then, through the aid of computer graphics and animation, we see for the first time the true savagery of swarms and stampedes.


Raging Nature: Landslides

Landslides are one of nature's most terrifying disasters, responsible for thousands of deaths around the world each year. Some of the most unforgettable landslides ever caught on tape are analyzed by scientists and their stories told by those who managed to survive them.

Computer graphics show you what the video does not, filling in the holes of how and why these destructive forces of nature occured.