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Tips for a Successful Interview

4 17197 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-07-26

1.Maintain good posture at all times, whether seated, standing, or walking (without overdoing things to the point of appearing false or mechanical).

2.Be enthusiastic, positive, and engaged. Do not appear apathetic, bored, or sullen.

3.Make sure you have done your homework on researching the company in general, and the position in particular.

4.Have at least a couple of questions you would like to ask about the organisation thought up previously.

5.Be polite and respectful, keep slang to a minimum.

6.Do not be critical of current or former employers.

7.Be self-confident but DO NOT come across as a know it all, arrogant, or cynical.

8.Never betray any sense that you are only shopping around and not particularly interested in this particular job.


9.Much of the above flows naturally from acting in a manner consistent with the Target Personality Profile described our subscriber‘s section. Remember, stay "in character". Attitudes tested on an initial paper or computer personality test may be tested again at the interview. Questions like "how do you perform under pressure" and "what really irritates you in other employees" will be testing the same things at the interview as they were in the personality test.


10.If asked what you see as your weaknesses (and you probably will be), use this as an opportunity to present a strength as a weakness