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148932021 年度十大表情包出炉,表情包英语怎么说?


12021-12-10 17:12:23

搜狗输入法通过征集整理网友投稿,发布了2021国民十大表情包,包括「吴京中国、格局打开、勇敢牛牛不怕困难」等,2021 年度十大表情包出炉,表情包英语怎么说?

1. 最常见的就是meme /mi:m/

meme: A meme is something such as a video, picture, or phrase that a lot of people send to each other on the internet: 梗图、沙雕图、表情包,是诸如视频、图片或短语之类的东西,当一个meme引起了很多人的共鸣,它就会通过社交平台、短信等方式传播,传播得越多,它的文化影响力就越大。

例句:The image quickly became a meme. 


2. emoji /ɪˈmoʊdʒiː/

emoji: From Japanese 絵文字, an emoji is a digital image that is used to express an emotion or idea in an electronic communication such as an email or text message: 来源于日本的“絵文字”,emoji是一种数字图像,用于在电子邮件或文本信息等电子通信中表达一种情感或想法。e代表“絵” ‎(picture),moji 代表“文字” ‎(character),所以emoji 代表一种“图画文字、符号表情”。

例句:He added a 'wink' emoji to show that he was joking. 

他加了一个 "眨眼 "的表情符号,表示他是在开玩笑。

3. emoticon: /iˈməutikɔn/ 

颜文字emoticon: a special sign that is used to show an emotion in email and on the Internet, often by making a picture. For example, the emoticon:-) looks like a smiling face and means that you have made a joke〔在电子邮件和因特网上用符号表示情感的〕颜文字,是emotion+icon的合成词。

4. sticker,把微信调成英语,“表情”那里就是这个词

sticker: a small piece of paper or plastic with a picture or writing on it that you can stick on to something〔有图或文字的〕粘贴标签,贴纸


2021 年度十大表情包出炉,表情包英语怎么说?以上就是我的分享了,大家平时可以多积累一些英语词汇,说不定以后在写作上或者是口语表达上能够帮到自己。
