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9373 关于使用介词的特殊技巧


12018-10-17 14:10:33

1, 介词+疑问词:

例如:To whom can I turn for help 我可以找谁帮忙呢?

2, 定语从句中

He is the man with whom you are talking 他就是那个你正在谈话的男人。

3, 介词宾语放在句首

What you said I don't agree with 我不赞成你所说的话


1, in的省略

I spend two hours (in)reading books 我花费两个小时阅读。

2, on的省略

I usually play football Sunday 我经常在周日踢足球

3, of 的省略

1, be +of +度量名词

When I was (of )your age当我还是你的年龄

2, what +度量词 之前的of 可以省略

(Of)What height are you?你多高?

3, be (of)no use

4, It's (of)no use to me 它对于我是没有什么用处的

5, I like making friends of my own age 我喜欢和年龄一样的人交朋友。

高中三年,这些介词的特殊技巧帮助您 高考英语140以上!

4, for的省略

在for +段时间时

I have been here (for)a year

5, to的省略

The book is given (to)my friend 这本书是给我的朋友的

I write(to)my friend 我写信给我的朋友

6, and 或者or 后面的介词省略

I like reading books in Beijing and (in)Shanghai 我喜欢在北京和上海读书

Do you like reading books in Beijing or (in )Shanghai ?你喜欢在北京读书,还是在上海读书?


1,At,in,on 的区别

I get up at seven o'clock 我在七点起床

I go to Beijing in spring 我在春天去北京

I go to school on Monday 我在星期一去上学

2,during ,in 区别

During 期间

During the meeting ,we talked about my plan


4, in ,after 区别

I will be here in a week 我一周后就来这里

I visited him after two days 两天后,我拜访了他。

5, for ,since的区别

I have been here for two weeks 我到这里已经两周了

I have been here since 1990 我1990年就到这里了。

6, by,before 区别

You must return my money by Friday 你最晚必须在周五归还我的钱

You must return my money before Friday 你必须在周五以前归还我的钱

7, on,beneath,in,above ,below,over,under

on 上面(有接触),反义词beneath 下面(有接触),in 里面,

above 斜上方,反义词;below斜下方

over 正上方,反义词:under 正下方

高中三年,这些介词的特殊技巧帮助您 高考英语140以上!

8, between,among 的区别

There is a book between you and me 在你和我的中间有一本书

There are many books among the students 在这些学生之间有许多书

9, through,across ,past ,over 区别

I walk through the forest 我穿过森林

I walk across the road 我穿过马路

I walk past the shop 我经过商店

A plane is flying over the building 一架飞机正从这栋大楼顶飞过。

10, in front of ,in the front of

There is a tree in front of the house 房子的前面有一颗树

There is a TV in the front of the room 这个房间的前面有一个电视。

11, except ,besides ,except for

Everyone goes to school except Tom 除了汤姆,其他同学都去上学了。

Everyone goes to school besides Tom 不仅大家去上学了,汤姆也去上学了。

He is a good boy except for his bad family 他是一个好男孩,除了他糟糕的家庭。

12, by,with ,in

I learn English by reading aloud 我学习英语通过大声的朗读

I see with my eyes 我用我的眼睛看

I Write them in ink 我用钢笔写字。
